Advanced analytics, and digital technology, towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution
By admin3485, 7 April 2018
What are the hardware, software, and financing challenges the world needs to navigate before the enticing vision of the Fourth Industrial Revolution becomes a reality?
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has made some rather exciting promises to society: More streamlined business practices, services that can be customised to the need of every individual, and technologies that deliver such great energy, water, and resource efficiencies that sustainability will be ingrained in the way people work and live.
But between today’s world and this promised future is a wide chasm of new hardware and software that needs to be integrated into the digital landscape and built environment. The skills that are taught to students and workers will need to evolve to keep up with this technology revolution, and business models will need to adapt to emerging opportunities and challenges.
And of course, there is the economics of it.
The World Economic Forum estimates that digitalisation could add US$100 trillion of value to society over the next decade; but major investments are needed to unlock this.
Tune in as we discuss questions such as:
What will a post-Fourth Industrial Revolution world look like? What work will we do, what will we be studying, and how will society be organised?
What risks and opportunities should businesses, governments, and communities keep an eye on as the digital revolution progresses?
What economic benefits can digitisation deliver , and where will countries in the region get the financing required to capitalise on this?
What do you think?