World resources
By admin3485, 4 January 2018
Energy/Climate and environmental policies are inextricably linked. All energy production and consumption has environmental impacts. The challenges of producing and using energy resources sustainably and protecting our natural environment equally represent an opportunity to pursue sustainable economic growth,while contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
In many regards energy,climate and environmental objectives go hand in hand, such as:
- energy efficiency and reducing energy use: saving energy can help avoid impacts associated with extractive industries and with energy generation, transformation, distribution and consumption in general. It can help reducing GHG emissions, air pollution, impacts to surface and ground waters, habitat fragmentation and biodiversity disturbance through infrastructure and land use, etc.
- measures to increase the share of sustainable renewable energy sources in the energy mix can lower overall environmental and climatic pressures compared to other forms of energy. Such measures can also contribute to improved resource efficiency where they result in a more efficient utilisation of non-recyclable waste streams.
- measures aiming at promoting circular economy and using resources in a more efficient way also contribute to reducing energy demand: this is in particular the case when products are re-used, materials recycled, when all production and consumption chains are organised in a more efficient way.
All the measures are welcome to make the most of all the potential for reducing risks and impacts of resource and energy consumption. This will bring direct and indirect health, climate and environmental improvements in a world of constrained resources.
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